Monday, January 14, 2008

Senator Obama.....

I have received numerous e-mails and heard multiple rumors surrounding Senator Barack Obama's religion, and status as a possible state terror...

All of the radical muslim business was started by somebody in Hilary Clinton's camp. The woman was fired immediately a few months back......but the rumors are still alive......let's think about this. If it were true it would have come out WAAAY back when Mitt Romney's ties to polygamy were publicized. And thanks to HBO shows like BIG LOVE, polygamy is a big deal in America right now.

Obama's mother was NOT AN ATHEIST, she simply just didn't practice religion. Similar to many of us Christians who don't go to church ;o). However his paternal father was an atheist, and HIS father was a Muslim farmer in Kenya....Obama's stepfather ocassionaly attended Muslim services while the family lived in Indonesia for 4 years. But I have not learned of any accurate record claiming him to be a muslim (but it's possible.) Once again....the same way some of us attend church services, for whatever reason, but are still not Christians. Obama did attend school while in Indonesia, as he should have since he was 6yrs old when he arrived and 10 when he returned to the states, but they were public schools.

I can only laugh at the claims that he is a terrorist cell. Do we really think that Congress would let him pass some sort of crazy terrorism support bill? We still have three branches of government....and the wonderful CIA.

But in this country where there is a separation of church and state, where prayers are not allowed in school and there are more Jewish than Christian holidays observed in NYC public schools.....does it really matter if you're not Christian?


Anonymous said...

We know who you will be voting for.

But more imporantly I am happy to see how interested you are in the political climate of this country. Very refreshing in a young woman.

Anonymous said...

yeah i read this and i had to snopes it people will say anything

Anonymous said...

Hello All,

We have to think clearly about criticisms of Obama and look at who is doing the criticizing. Obviously, whoever wrote [the negativity] is out only to do harm and is ignoring all that Obama stands for. Conservative press and racist commentators will use Obama's name and his father's background to stir up doubts about him and will use the Muslim phobia in this country to the hilt. We have to remember that he had no control over his name.

We also have to be aware that Black people's love for Bill Clinton is transferring to Hillary. Hillary has been a hard working senator, but we have the opportunity to support an African American who is running for national office. Unless Obama is a two headed monster, a crook, child molester, or totally incompetent, we ought to support him.

What makes me ill is to hear black persons pontificate on television about the reason they think Hillary will be a better president than Obama. (The latest was Magic Johnson today.) They always cite his lack of experience in foreign affairs. This is so ridiculous. What experience did Clinton or Bush have in world affairs when they were elected--or for that matter the republican icon, Ronald Reagan, and so many others? The most important determinants of the quality of a president are his/her vision, philosophy, heart, and, most important, the people they choose to assist in running their administration. (The present Bush chose Carl Rove and Wolfowitz to run his and they persuaded him to attack Iraq. Big business and their Lobbies run the country more than ever before.) Need we say more.

Further, it has always been a struggle for me to restrain my homicidal urges when hearing a Black person refer to Bill Clinton as "the first Black President." Just because a white person eats collards, chittlins, plays the Sax, and grins at us does not make him Black. (Get a grip!! How easily we are conned.) It is truly mind boggling to hear us say Obama is not black enough. We do not seem to hold Hillary or any other white candidate to the same color requirements.

We have to also be mindful that some African Americans are jealous of Obama. Did anyone listen to Andrew Young's' hateful remarks about Obama or notice the less than enthusiastic responses Jessie Jackson has made about Obama? The old line civil rights people are jealous and upset that Obama did not have to come past them and seek their blessings to run. I am beyond sick of those old farts. They do not want to give up the spotlight or hand over the baton to a younger generation. They remind me of a ball player, beyond his prime, but who just can't bear to retire.

We really have to think clearly about Obama and see that he is a serious candidate for the presidency. I heard Bob Johnson (BET founder) on TV today talking about his preference for Hillary. Perhaps you heard him drone on about her superior experience. I wanted to go through the TV and strangle that fool--especially after his earlier unfair remarks about Obama's drug use as a teenager. He also said that he did not think that Black people should allow race to play a part in their choice between Obama and Hillary. Come On!! Ignoring race would be ideal, but (strangely), we have been the only group to reach that noble goal. I believe Obama is very capable and that we should support him. We should remember that other groups do take race into consideration and that no matter how capable Obama is, many white people will not vote for him (even if he were George Washington, Abe Lincoln, Teddy/Franklin Roosevelt, and Jesus Christ all rolled into one) . So, Obama might not be black enough for some confused Black Folks, but he's black enough for white folks and they will go behind that curtain and pull that lever for somebody else.

Don't get me started on this topic.