I once met a person, and I felt comfortable around them; but as circumstances would have it, we never made an effort to be around each other much and almost fell out of contact. Somehow, however, as quickly as we almost lost each other forever we found each other for what seemed like would be forever.
Upon reconnection there was an instant connection felt by both of us. He once wrote to me that we shared a special bond, and he wished it would have began sooner. And I thought that it began right on time, but if it's so strong, and so worth it then we have the power to make it last.
What we shared was more than a friendship; and I always felt it would be an injustice to the chemistry to lessen its importance by labeling it such. I once believed that the timing was right and everything was set into place, but if in fact that was the case perhaps this thought wouldn't exist.
We had the ingredients for success. And there was a lot of potential; but energy never disappears, it is only redirected.
Life is a puzzle......of many pieces.....which are constantly changing. Pieces that fit today may not fit tomorrow. Let us put our puzzles together while the pieces fit!
Be blessed (sorry, I can't think of a scripture for this)
I like this one.
I had to come back to this.
I didn't realizet he title until I was getting ready to close this page. This is interesting because reading it without the title and with it gives me too different messages. I'm sorry Miss NayStar. There is no such thing as wasted potential. The word potential tells us that the ability is there. Like potential and kinetic energy. But now that you have found all of this potential next time hopefully. Or soon you will find the kinetic. I assume this person is the 'Clyde' from previous post. Or the source of your happiness in love. But I'll refer to him as your potential. And I can't wait to refer to your kinetic.
Well Mr. Thomas, of course I beg to differ. Potential can be wasted. It's an opportunity lost, and a possiblity wasted...or vice versa.
Yes, the energy will be used; perhaps through constructive work, or something totally not to do with the previous situation.....or the parties involved. However the possibility for the expected outcome no longer exists and the energy which fueled such is lost....hence the potential is lost.
There is my thinking Seany..hope you follow it.
I dont think that the one your talking about would say it was wasted Potential, but rather Potential that wasn't nurtured correctly. People tend to think that they have done every and any thing to make things work with another person, but from that person's eyes, your energy was negative, you pushed that person away and YOU did not understand how to respect that person.
In myt opinion people need to step out of themselves and loook at the situation from impartial eyes for the truth.
Just my 2 cents. Be blessed, God loves me this I know, for the bible tells me so.
"Through eyes of a gifted soul, I see a tormented being, awaiting true love, that understands him, not belittles him", (c)2008 Night Day,
The potential spoken of in this post was wasted. And perhaps it wasn't nurtured properly, this very well could be the reason; regardless it was wasted.
I didn't speak of my effort, nor that of my counterpart. In fact, I am confused why you are assuming that I was disrespectful, negative, or pushing him away....it seems that this has touched you and has invoked some personal emotion. (let's work through this together)I will tell you however that this individual did not want to be understood, he told me that himself several times; and he is the kind of person to purposely act or speak out of character to throw others off.......
It is my belief that, especially when things like this end people have different perspectives on what went wrong. However in this situation, my former partner put the cork in the bottle and took all the blame.
The funny thing about the end of relationships is that everybody can see what went wrong, but you don't have the chance to go back and do it again....so we can simply take our lessons into the future with the confidence that it will turn out better next time.... And at least I have a higher bar..
Just be happy that God has blessed us with another day. I am glad you are able to move on with your life.
Because you are posting as anonymous.....I will not reveal your identity; ut it is clear to anyone with a brain that you believe this posting is about you. So since you feel (for lack of a better phrase) to come at me with your defensiveness, why don't you share.....what is your side of the story?
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