So, now I'm told that one of the biggest crises of the "African American" people is that we are not marrying......and if we do, we do it late......
I missed the dateline special, and forgot to DVR it. But I must say I'm disgusted at the fact that we have to see these stats day in, and day out. There are so many ways I can attack this "news"
1. When the hell did not finding a good man become a Black Women thing?
2. Why don't we pay attention to more important stats like the literacy rate of children?
3. @ "Mainstream" America....are you really dissecting the Black family as though it's not something you destroyed physically and mentally from slavery - present.......
Re #3- I often pull my brothers and sisters aside urging them not to blame "the white man" for their ills and issues. With knowledge and awareness we can overcome....it's not easy, but it can be done. However, if we really get down to the psychology of the matter the Black family is an entity that has been struggling to exist.
If we further dig into the psychology of family or marriage we know that the stats are down period in this country. Let's be real, people married in the past for safety and security. But now when women are making exponentially more money than they once did, have much more education......we don't need men the way we once did.
The successful (and to be) men and women are learning, and working.......while other women are plotting on the men. So by the time we get to the top the successful men have been preyed upon by the woman who lacks or does not desire self sufficiency.....and the successful woman has to search high and low just to settle....this is not a Black thing. This is an American thing.
Furthermore, to say a successful Black woman can't find a man, or can't get married- that's yet another stab at the Black man.....why do our imperfections have to be sensationalized and publicized? And if this is such a recognized problem, then it shouldn't sound so crazy that other races should leave the Black men for the Black women....but it does.....because this whole situation is ridiculous!
When I consider my unmarried friends, most of them want to be so. When I consider that this country has exploited Black people since our arrival on the cotton fields and now wants to point a finger like we can't get out stuff together is sickening. The Black man has long been destroyed. And the Black woman has been sexually promiscuous, angry, and now we can't find a man.........
Again, the American family dynamic period is a mess. And women period have more difficulty than men finding a "good" man. But the presentation of these "stats" is wrong, and lacking responsibility.......
I was told that a very wise man said "Never tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon."