Where are the men who are not primarily concerned with sex?
Where are the men that value good conversation, fun and would prefer to get to know a female before they lay down with her?
More often than not, when describing a good date, or speaking highly about a man women (myself included) are overheard saying, "and he didn't even talk about sex," or "and he didn't even try to have sex with me." This is an epidemic of females of all ages.
Some of my male friends complain that they meet loose women, but I'm thinking that some of the women are loose because they think they have to sleep with a man to interest them. And of course, some of them are not necessarily loose, but are too discouraged to find a good man, or a man really worth their time. So in turn, they adapt the male way of thinking and begin to satisfy their carnal feelings as well. But, for a woman this is not enough, due to nature women require some form and level of care, and adulation. Man cannot live on bread alone, nor woman sex.
All parties will agree that when their is another connection at work, the physical is so much better, so why do we limit ourselves to meaningless sex? In this day and age, it is much more safe to have one partner, and with pornography so readily available anybody can perfect their skills to the professional level. So what is the thrill in multiple partners? Or the point of sex with somebody that you don't care about?
In my circle, I recently popularized the term, "embrace your 20's." And this double meaning phrase is officially used to combat all the pressure of being in serious relationships that so many people people who may not be having good luck in that department, or who are simply not ready for it feel. Instead of picking themselves apart, or searching high and low for that perfect person I encourage all to embrace their 20's. We only have them once. And hopefully we have tens of years left to get married and have children. And unofficially it is to excuse the whorish ways of many and give them an excuse.
The Bible teaches that a man is to marry one woman. And that man and woman are to have sex with each other only.......and after marriage. Not before. I am confident that most of my readers are Christian, or at least are familiar with Christian principles and teachings.....and on some level believe that pre-marital sex is wrong. So.....with that idea, perhaps we should limit some of that pre-marital sex to people we actually care about....or could see ourselves making it marital with.....
Talk sis! You said once before we are not like them. They are just stupid. Even mine!
Hey post the one you posted on Drew's blog.
I like this. But at 22 well I did my thing. It's just fun. If I was with a chick right now though I probably wouldn't do anything after reading this.
Really I am not sure how I feel. All men are not concerned primarily with sex. But it's easier for a man to connect sexually than emotionally. When I was single I had multiple sexual partners until I got tired. But I think she plotted on me. Lol. This is an age old problem.
Nay, I feel you, I really do... But I guess that's the way life is. I don't agree with it but to an extent I feel in someway that we as men are engineered that way. They say that men have the ability to separate raw sexual emotions from other feelings, thats why we can do what we want at anytime. I was like that when I was younger and inexperienced (and unsaved), but now its not about that. I don't know if its a personal thing between each man or if it's a genetic thing but I can relate to men that can't commit or the ones that want multiple partners.
Obviously I'm on the Bible's side on this one, but I can't understand all sides.
- Josh
P.S. If their are any spelling errors forgive me I hate to proof read :)
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