Upon a recent meeting, I inquired of a certain gentleman's occupation. He told me that he worked in McDonalds. I believe he was shocked at my motivation to continue the conversation. Eventually he released that he is really a NYPD Officer. At which time I know he was shocked at the fact that I didn't seem impressed, nor did my conversation deviate.
As a contributing member of society I would much rather hear of able-bodied people working in fast food restaurants than collecting welfare. As a future mother, I would much rather hear of a young man working in McDonalds than selling drugs. As a woman I would rather encounter someone working in McDonalds, than an ex- or future convict. The job of a police officer, keeping peace in this city, is a necessary one and is integral to the running of the city. Police Officers have a greater responsibility to many more people than McDonalds staff members, but the truth of the matter is, somebody has got to work in McDonalds. Just as somebody has got to mop the floors of the Conde Naste building.
For our world to function everybody must play a role. For things to be significant, something has to be insignificant. But they all come together; the major and the minor to make the system work.
And something can be light on one scale, and heavy on another. In the grand societal scheme, a McDonalds job is very unimportant. But to a mother with hungry children who don't know what new clothes feel like, a job at McDonalds can mean the world. A 20 hour paycheck at minimum wage can mean the difference of a child going to bed hungry, or a full belly.
At fist I laughed. But you are right. mcd's is important. Never thought I would say that. But you wouldn't date somebody who worked there. Would you? Ha!
Actually......back in HS I did. Lol.....seriously though....
Generally, somebody working in McDonalds wouldn't have the conversation skills to hold my attention, we probably wouldn't have much in common....and if we did he would probably have SOOOO much else going on, which caused him to take the job in the first place he wouldn't have the time for me!
Kisses Meco!
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