Friday, May 30, 2008

I love you

When I look into your eyes, I see depths that my wildest dreams cannot imagine

When I feel your heartbeat I feel a strength I cannot comprehend

Your nature has a control of me- that's visible to all

The passion that exists- the passion that flows- the fire that burns

I pray that we fan the flames forever

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Star is still in the sky

Good Morning (Neighbor)

Over the last few weeks I've received numerous e-mails, texts, phone calls and comments from people wondering why I haven't had any new posts. In response, I sent out a morning message last week; however I still didn't have anything blog-worthy......

I honestly haven't had anything to share. I've been straightening some things out----- which have been the forefront of my mind. And I haven't felt moved to write about these things. I haven't really been very poetic, and way too busy for prose.

It's not my style to do things just for the sake of doing things. And I'm not going to post just for the sake of posting. I'm not going to pretend that something is more important or interesting to me than it really is. ---- So again, I am fine. I am still thinking, and as soon as the time is right I'll be back on blogspot. Until then be steadfast and diligent in your thinking, and above all else--- GET UNDERSTANDING!!!!!

Be blessed until we meet again,