Monday, February 4, 2008


We need to internalize this idea of excellence. Not many folks spend a lot of time trying to be excellent. Barack Obama

How many people actually strive for excellence? Everybody measures themselves; it is natural to the society in which we live. There are benchmarks and categories for everything. Clear definitions exist to what is appreciated, and what is not. People are constantly in competition for bigger houses, faster cars, better paying jobs, and savvier clothes.
All these things that people are in competition for are rarely of any substance which enhances a quality of life. Nor do they really promote happiness. There is a difference in wanting to better than another, and just wanting to be. And there is a major difference in wanting to be excellent.
One can be excellent in their community, on their job, at school, in their family, in their relationship. The desire to achieve excellence is a personal one. It does not look for compliments and encouragement. Senator Barack Obama has internalized the idea of excellence.
An ordinary man who never lost touch with reality and continued on a path of righteousness now seeks our support for the Democratic nomination for President of the USA. Senator Obama worked as a civil rights attorney to promote equality. He was not looking for thanks and kudos.
What impresses me the most about the Senator entered this race on his own terms. He didn’t look to Charlie Rangel, Andrew Young, Jesse Jackson, and the like to support him. Senator Obama moved full speed ahead at his own volition.

Many of the older Black politicians such as Maxine Waters, David Dinkins, and some of the abovementioned have given their support to Senator Hillary Clinton. And I am truly at a loss of understanding. I can understand such a pro-woman move from Maya Angelou. But if we are going to allow “girl power” then we should also understand “Black power.” However, Senator Obama is such a worthy candidate that he does not need to rely on his race to secure the Black or the Brown vote.

Senator Obama promotes change and he has been very honest thus far. He has not made unreal or outlandish promises. He gives outlines for all of his ideas and realistic time frames. Most of all, he hasn’t slandered his opponents; no matter how nasty they have become.
His positive and clean campaign has catapulted him up the polls thus far. But he still has a few more votes to secure. In the beginning, his Black support was slacking because many Blacks didn’t believe a Black man could become president and didn’t want to waste their vote. But his success had won those people over. His savoir appeal, youth and tenacity has won over the young people. His honest and supportive initiatives have won over the people ready for a change. And now he needs to win the votes of the undecided.

If you are not sure what to do, I urge you to vote for Senator Obama in Tuesday’s Democratic Primary Election. According to Hillary, she is prepared because she’s been in the white house already. When she was there last, how did it help you? Since she has been a New York Senator, how has it helped you? We already know what Hillary has to offer, so why not give Barack Obama, a man who strives for excellence a change?!

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