Thursday, February 7, 2008

This is a music video created to Senator Barack Obama's YES WE CAN speech. It was produced by from the Black-eyed-peas.....and it's featuring John Legend. I hope you all watch it, and I hope it is as inspirational to you as it is to me. Realistically, everybody isn't a democrat and will not be participating in today's (SUPER 22) Democratic primaries. But if your state is having a primary and you are registered it is imperative that you VOTE!!! even if it's not for Senator Obama.

Barack Obama's presence is very important. Senator Obama was not raised in the best neighborhoods, his family did not send him to the best schools. He is truly one who did the absolute best with what was given to him and strived for excellence. He is not from a political or wealthy family; his rewards are the direct result of hard work. The success he has already achieved has not only made him an American icon, but has made him one of the most important people in Black America. He is an excellent candidate, he has a strong platform, there is no question that Senator Obama has what it takes to lead this country and actually make a change. However it must be said that in these few months, he has made great strides. I believe that he will inspire others, and give young Black Americans not only someone to look up to, but the idea that we really do have endless possibilities.

There is no question that our country favors some races and nationalities over others. And due to these inequalities and injustices certain paths are much harder for some than others. In 2008, many like to believe that certain lines are blurring and erasing slowly; and yes, It is true that my generation is more tolerant the than my grandmother's, however it is my grandmother's generation that is still making decision that I must live with. Senator Obama is representative of a new era, and of change.

Washington needs a change, and fresh ideas. It was said by one of Senator Obama's supporters, "the only way you get a new outcome is to change the recipe." And Senator Obama has a new recipe. This great nation was built on change for the masses. It was created because change was needed, and every major transformation since then has been in response to the changing society. From the abolition of slavery, to welfare reform, every modification in this country is a result of the present system no longer working. It is clear that our present system is not working. This country was built and survives on the back of working people. "If there were no poor people, rich people would have to eat their money." (Russian proverb) We have the power, and we must continue to evolve based on those principles. I believe that if we exercise our our civic duty and responsibility Senator Obama will be voted as Democratic nominee for President.

Barack Obama's campaign and effort is inciting more young people to vote and pay attention to politics than any other candidate. He is important to me because I believe that he is representing people who are afraid, or do not have faith in their in own voice. And he is sharing with us all the message..... YES WE CAN

As always, feel free to repost and forward this on to others

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